CoverMyMeds’ network of healthcare stakeholders creates an ecosystem powerful enough to break down barriers between patients and the medicines they depend on.
The impact of our network speaks for itself. Together, our work helps improve time to therapy,[0]CoverMyMeds time to triage study which included three drugs over a period of two years and 33k enrollments breaks through medication affordability obstacles and promotes greater connectivity among care teams to achieve better health outcomes.
in patient savings[0]Based on CoverMyMeds affordability solution data for calendar year 2023
In 2023, CoverMyMeds helped patients save $8.8 billion on specialty and brand medications.
Prescriptions saved from abandonment[0]Based on CoverMyMeds affordability solution data for calendar year 2023
Prescriptions accessed in 2023[0]Based on CoverMyMeds prior authorization volume data for calendar year 2023
Learn more about how our network partners meet patients exactly where and when they need support.
Collaboration powers the CoverMyMeds network and clears the path for patients.
Our network consists of over 950,000 providers, with 350+ of EHRs integrated.
We’ve worked with more than 650 pharma brands across 95% of therapeutic areas.[0]Based on review of CoverMyMeds sponsored access, affordability & adherence programs, 2023
More than 50,000 pharmacies are a part of the CoverMyMeds ecosystem.
of prescriptions flow through the payers that work with CoverMyMeds.