A powerful network dedicated to patient outcomes

CoverMyMeds’ network of healthcare stakeholders creates an ecosystem powerful enough to break down barriers between patients and the medicines they depend on.


How CoverMyMeds helps healthcare stakeholders improve patient outcomes

The impact of our network speaks for itself. Together, our work helps improve time to therapy,[0]CoverMyMeds time to triage study which included three drugs over a period of two years and 33k enrollments breaks through medication affordability obstacles and promotes greater connectivity among care teams to achieve better health outcomes.

  • $8.8B

    in patient savings[0]Based on CoverMyMeds affordability solution data for calendar year 2023

    In 2023, CoverMyMeds helped patients save $8.8 billion on specialty and brand medications.

    Illustration: In 2023, CoverMyMeds helped patients save $8.8 billion on specialty and brand medications.
  • 10.7M

    Prescriptions saved from abandonment[0]Based on CoverMyMeds affordability solution data for calendar year 2023

  • 94M+

    Prescriptions accessed in 2023[0]Based on CoverMyMeds prior authorization volume data for calendar year 2023

Making an impact beyond the network

Learn more about how our network partners meet patients exactly where and when they need support.

Post-pandemic healthcare: Jzon’s story

Like many patients living with chronic illness, Jzon battled the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic when he sought treatment for a multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse. Through a combination of human compassion and healthcare technology, Jzon's care team and pharmacist were able to get him the life-changing medication he needed.


of patients relied more on their pharmacists for medical and medication information in 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[0]CoverMyMeds Patient Survey, 2021


of healthcare workers say staffing shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic affected their ability to deliver patient care.[0]Morning Consult, September 2021 survey
Read Jzon's Story
Photo portrait of Jzon
Patient Stories

For all the headaches on one side, on the other side, there’s definitely been some positives as far as the interactions and the ease of accessing medical care.

The demand for accessible data: Patrick’s story

Patrick assumed his vision loss was because of his job working with fiber optic cables. As it turns out, his vision was distorted due to macular edema — fluid buildup in part of the retina — caused by type 2 diabetes. By finding the right benefits, information and medications to manage his diabetes, Patrick’s providers and pharmacists all played a part in helping him regain his eyesight.


of providers say they’re able to surface patient-specific benefit information within their EHR.[0]CoverMyMeds Provider Survey, 2021


of pharmacists are helping patients with benefit questions.[0]CoverMyMeds Pharmacist Survey, 2021
Read Patrick's Story
Photo portrait of Patrick
Patient Stories

Ten years ago, I never knew what my labs were. I never knew what my A1C was until the following month when I would go see a doc. Now, I know instantly.

Complex medication paths: Kristy’s story

Kristy’s living with myelofibrosis, a rare bone marrow cancer, but considers herself healthy. Due to insurance switches, shifting formularies and pharmacy changes, Kristy's had to overcome both access and affordability challenges over the years. See how interoperable pharmacy technology, like what CoverMyMeds offers, helps patients access, afford and adhere to their medicine.


of providers felt they had the necessary benefits information to start patients on specialty medications.[0]CoverMyMeds Provider Survey, 2021


of patients have experienced higher-than-expected prices on necessary medication over the last year.[0]CoverMyMeds Patient Survey, 2021
Read Kristy's Story
Photo portrait of Kristy
Patient Stories

I've shed many, many tears over trying to jump through hoops to get the medication and the debt that the medication’s caused. I can't imagine jumping through all those hoops and going through appeals and denials on top of feeling ill.

Patient-centered solutions: Marley’s story

Marley is living with metastatic breast cancer and, like many, has struggled to navigate her options. Given the uncertainty and complexity of the healthcare system, it’s crucial to provide personalized, transparent healthcare options that are informed by all variables that can affect treatment plans. By addressing patient needs and preferences, the right care team and pharmacy solutions can help patients like Marley hold some control over their circumstances, bringing calm amid chaos.


of patients said the thought of healthcare and medication bills is more distressing than the possibility of death.[0]Needs Navigation, National Patient Advocate Foundation, 2021

15% - 27%

of the U.S. population is estimated to have limited health literacy.[0]UnitedHealthGroup, Health Literacy Brief, 2020
Read Marley's Story
Photo portrait of Marley
Patient Stories

My doctor is kind and doesn't ‘doctor speak’ a lot, so she makes it really transparent.

Shaping the future of healthcare, together

Collaboration powers the CoverMyMeds network and clears the path for patients.

Healthcare decision-makers reviewing information on computer monitor
  • 950k+

    Our network consists of over 950,000 providers, with 350+ of EHRs integrated.

  • 650+

    We’ve worked with more than 650 pharma brands across 95% of therapeutic areas.[0]Based on review of CoverMyMeds sponsored access, affordability & adherence programs, 2023

  • 50k+

    More than 50,000 pharmacies are a part of the CoverMyMeds ecosystem.

  • 96%

    of prescriptions flow through the payers that work with CoverMyMeds.

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